+ LozBlog

Showcase & Playground

Murderer (original sound)

This is the film I put to the Flimmernacht 2008 contest, it didn’t win anything =( there were really good films and mine was obviously not the best. But it was not the worst either, here I share. I wrote, produced, directed and played both characters of the film, hope you enjoy it.

Update 2020-04-24

The video is no longer online 🙁 if some one would like to watch, contact me 😉

I will be reworking the sound when I finish some other projects, I want to add my point of view to it. The sound was designed by someone else, as the contest stated.

I really thought I could win something in the contest, because, besides this entry, I delivered three more projects, for which I worked on the sound design, and that magnifies my defeat, because I was involved on 4 of 15 projects, and I couldn’t win anything.

But…! In my defense, I must say that most (or maybe all) other entries were worked by a group of people, and I did everything myself (except the camera handling in the film). For the sound design I got some special fx from a very cool free sound effects website, I recorded my own voice and I think a couple of other fx, and I even composed a small song and some musical background.

I’d like to upload those but the copyright is not mine, so I will ask the film makers if it’s ok…

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Optimism, pessimism, fuck that; we’re going to make it happen. As God is my bloody witness, I’m hell-bent on making it work.

—Elon Musk