+ LozBlog

Showcase & Playground

Ban the Eisenbahn

This is a video I made for another contest. Actually, I don’t know if it’s a contest or not, but I just made the video. I had a lot of fun doing it (and a lot of not so funny -but still worth it– hours of work).

The song is completely made by me, from the recording of the train sounds and the sampling, computer made music and the actual guitar riffs. I know it’s not very complex but for some one like me it’s a big achievement, I learned so much! Though this is not the first song I make, this is certainly the first I put so much effort in, both on the music and video.

Thanks Marco Avella for his kind help with the camera and some tips. Dude you rock!

The festival is about a protest the citizens of this town are making to avoid a new railway they’re planning to build. This is what a person in the organization told me in an email:

Imagine: the railroad company plans to build an extension of the existing tracks right through your town. Because it’s loud (3000-6000 cargo trains per day) they build a 6 meter wall along the railway. That’s not enough of a noise shield, so about 4000 households get equipped with windows that are soundproof and cannot be opened – the houses get ventilation systems instead.

It’s sounds funny though it’s about to become reality.

The short films should visualize the consequences or thoughts about these plans: How will life be? Who’s gonna live there anymore? How does it affect me?


Forgot to mention! Sorry… thanks Rajit for borrowing his guitar and Offenburg University for the nice Camera, the Flash recorder, the microphones, and the cool iMac where I edited this video!

Update 2!

I would like to thank my friend Eztrada for his moves in our crazy Mexican South East Trip. I was inspired by him on the “Ya apágale a esa madre” move, almost at the end of the video.

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Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past, even the grimy parts of it, keep on getting brighter

—Sally Jupiter