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Showcase & Playground

Flimmernacht: day 3, camera girl backed out

This is the third part of the Flimmernacht post series.

Context: I wanted to take part on a crazy contest, I had some progress already with the story and found someone to help me out for making the film.

It was Saturday, deadline was on Monday.

My camera girl didn’t answer. I was desperate…

I began looking for whoever was available around to help me, and so I found Enam, who was more than willing to help.

But that day he had no time, because he had a lot of things to do. Se he went to mind his business, and I went home to relax and think if everything was ready. We had agreed to meet not so early in the morning next day, and I had thought that it would only take a couple of hours to finish, after all: it was only 3 minutes of actual filming.

I was so very wrong.

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Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past, even the grimy parts of it, keep on getting brighter

—Sally Jupiter