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Flimmernacht: day 5, deadline

Fifth and final part of the Flimmernacht post series.

Context: didn’t finish on Sunday, had to finish that day (deadline for the contest had been already postponed once or twice before, and it was the last time it was going to be postponed), Enam wouldn’t be available, what will I do?

It was Monday. Enam could not join me. It was deadline.

But I had already convinced Anang, another friend, to help me out. We got our stuff together as early as he told me he was available, and started again.

“Remember to always stay in focus” (I think we are going to have a lot of focus mistakes), “There’s not enough light”, “I have no room for me if I put the camera here”, “There’s not enough cable for the lights”, “The lights are shown in this shot”…

But we finished.

I needed to left out some scenes near the ending, because my film was almost done and the script needed more time. I had so many other things to say, and had no time. In the end I think I managed to find a suiting transition, to sum up everything in fewer, a lot fewer shots, because anyway I had no choice, I couldn’t get to do what I wanted to do, specifically in the ending. So that was not the best way but it was a way out, I don´t think it was too bad.

Though it has lots of other mistakes.

But it was finished.

On time.

And I had a lot of fun. And learned so much.

Then I went to a crazy school party with free beer.

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