So today I’m fixing yesterday’s mess: workout extended past midnight and steps were counted towards today, so in the beginning I started out with circa 2k steps, so in order to get my daily 8k, my count was supposed to be 10k. And guess what, it is as of now: 11.6k.
Didn’t resent yesterday’s ankle pain, guess it’s a good sign, though overall I do feel… kinda rheum. Don’t know if it has to do with the jogging.
- Lacrimosa – The party is over (yesterday’s last, but listened from the beginning)
- Motörhead – Ace of Spades (Alternate version)
- Lindemann – That’s my heart
- Helloween – Halloween
- Moonspell – Nocturna
- Molotov – Mátate Tete
- Alestorm – Mexico
- Type o Negative – Black Sabbath (FTSP)
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