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Anatomy of my next adventure

Well, I finished all my lectures, now it is time for some holidays and a crazy Eurotrip.

Sure, you need money, but with things like Ryanair and Couchsurfing, you can really understand the true meaning of traveling cheap.

And Couchsurfing is more than traveling cheap (staying for free in other people´s couches or extra beds), it is about knowing cool people, getting inside the culture and sharing your experience with a friend in times of lonely journeys.

Anyway, this is the path I will be following (if everything goes according to plan): Karlsruhe > London > Dublin > Belfast > Amsterdam > The Hague > Brussels ( > hopefully also Brugge) > Luxembourg > Metz > Paris > Rome > Venice > Milan > Budapest > Bratislava > Vienna > Ljubljana > Konstanz > Zurich > Basel > …

Well I havent decided it yet all the path, it might change in between, I only have booked a couple of flights, then I have to find out how to get from one place to the next one. And where to stay in each city. But I wouldn’t mind missing the last flight (Milan to Bratislava) for which I only paid 11 euros. Yeah, 11 euros for an international flight, it is really amazing.

Gotta go now, have a plane to catch!

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