+ LozBlog

Showcase & Playground

Theme Updates

Today I made some cool updates to Lzb Flt theme, the current one (as of February 2015). By the way, I just noticed it’s been live since November 2013, almost one and a half years ago.

Years goes by! (Never know when it’s too late)

Anyway, what I’m excited about are the theme options I added in functions.php, for customizing stuff like the number of years displayed on the prefooter section (archives), or copyright text, or the quick intro from the front page.

It’s not like I can’t hard code it on the theme files themselves, which is actually easier and quicker, but since I’d like to release this theme for public use, it really goes a long way to add these settings to edit right on the theme options, inside the WP admin (so there’s no need to write or modify html or php code).

Couple of helpful resources I used:

None of these updates are really visible to the public, my dear, non-developer readers; they are WordPress options for the WordPress template inside the WordPress administration panel…

I’ll  may talk more about it on Lozbo Net TecnoBato.

Some day.

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Optimism, pessimism, fuck that; we’re going to make it happen. As God is my bloody witness, I’m hell-bent on making it work.

—Elon Musk