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Pocket's top list 2021

Warning! Spoilers ahead... proceed with caution.

  • Esbirros

    Antonio Ortuño


    Amazon Kindle

    Goes to 2022 list!

  • Morfología del cuento

    Vladimir Propp


    Amazon Kindle

    Goes to 2022 list!

  • La paciente silenciosa

    Alex Michaelides

    2021-02-01 /

    Google Play Books

    I really enjoyed it overall, though there were a few things that I didn't. I found very drastic/sudden the transition of the protagonist (or antagonist?) from educated psicologyst to wild psycopath. I started suspecting what the end would be about half way, and as soon as he started following them, I was could easily predict the ending. I wish the revelation would have lasted longer, so it was more of a surprise closer to the end.

  • Restauración

    Ave Barrera


    Amazon Kindle

    Goes to 2022 list!

  • Fantasville 1: La Senda Secreta

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

    The first book of the series that would capture my imagination as a child (when I first read it). I read it again this year (2021), as a reminder of what was probably one of the reasons why I like writing fiction. Sadly, they don't print 'em anymore.

    Having said that, I believe that, if I remove the nostalgic affection I have for this series, there are several things that feel far fetched to me. Maybe that they figure out the way into the secreth path too easiy after Watch's gone?, for example. He was the genious, he must have figured it out, but the others? I don't know. 

    Despite it all, and because of what I said at the beginning, I did enjoyed it, though probably one tiny bit less than the first time(s).

  • Fantasville 2: El Aullido del Fantasma

    Cristopher Pike

    2022-02-01 /

    Google Play Books

    Cindy gets introduced and starts the tortuous relationship with Sally. Actually, Cindy's brother is the excuse for adventure in this story, as he is kidnapped by a ghost, who turns out to be their relative. 

    I remember that the first time I read it I was impressed by the "surface tension" thing, when they throw wood at the sea right below them, as they jumped to the sea from the lighthouse tower. As they say, the wood breaks the water's surface tension right before they enter the ocean, so they are not hurt. To this day, I ignore if that is actually true. 

    I think I also obsessed with Adam being trapped underwater. That is kinda one of my deepest fears. But it feels far fetched (that he gets rescued). How on earth where they going to find him? How did they know that he was there? He should have drowned when trying to escape.

  • Fantasville 3: La cueva embrujada

    Cristopher Pike

    2022-02-16 /


    Had to browse a bit to remember what it was about. They find the "missing link" below Spooksville, and help return the thing to it's home through a crazy portal. 

    Bum's in the story too, I think this is the first time where he actually takes some action. I think that I was excited about it (first read) , probably thinking "now it's going to get interesting, an adult joins in the action!". Can't really remember that, like a stray thought, but it may be there for a reason, right? It is very interesting to remember what thoughts I had back then.

  • Fantasville 4: Los extraterrestres

    Cristopher Pike

    2021-03-01 /

    Google Play Books

    This is one of the books that, even though I read it several years ago, it was in the back of my mind constantly; I thought on Spooksville and I thought on books 1 (secret path), 2 (howling ghost), 4 (aliens in the sky), 5 (cold people) and 11 (deadly past). 

    You've been warned that there could be spoilers so here's one: they're not really aliens, they're humans from a distant future that look like the classic big-headed cartoon extra terrestrial beings.

    I enjoyed remembering what it was like when I first read it. 

    This book features an ahead-of-its-time social network protest that helps our heros overcome their obstacles.

    BTW: While making some search to find the list of books for the first paragraph, I discovered there's a live action series based on Spooksville! Need to watch it.

  • Fantasville 5: Los monstruos de hielo

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 6: La venganza de la bruja

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 7: El rincón oscuro

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 8: Extraños visitantes

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 9: La piedra de los deseos

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 10: El gato malvado

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Fantasville 11: El pasado mortal

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

  • Spooksville 12: The Hidden Beast

    Cristopher Pike


    Google Play Books

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Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past, even the grimy parts of it, keep on getting brighter

—Sally Jupiter