I find myself walking to the concert.
Me duelen los pies de caminar; But I am on a great mood. It is starting to rain; aber Ich bin in Karlsruhe, eine schöne Stadt Deutsch. Still a long way to go; pero voy a ver a mi banda favorita. My bottle of liquor is finished…
Scheisse! I will be god damned!
I will get some beers on the gig. Great place by the way, a former subway station, SubStage is the place where cool bands, often underground or not mainstream, play. This time was the turn of Haggard.
A very respectful crowd received well the support band: The Flaw. And then they begun placing the music stands for the partitures, with a small candle beside it to allow the musicians to read the notes, and Asis came out and it all started, me waving a Mexican flag, which by the end of the night was signed by some of the members, including of course Haggard´s Mastermind.
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