I am very excited to announce the upcoming new design for my family of websites. It has taken so many hours of photoshopping and coding (among other things) and it is not even finished! Furthermore: I am releasing it as a beta, as it still needs a lot of additional tweaking.
Since I installed WordPress on this subdomain, I have had the intention of releasing a custom template design totally made by me, from the graphic side to the advanced WP template tag tweaking. Almost a hundred thousand years ago!
And it is finally coming to an end! Though I must admit I had a lot of help from the internet, the silk icons from fam fam fam, the theme toolkit, some scripts from here and there, and a bit of twisting the sandbox WordPress theme.
All credits of the template will be shown on in the about page, once the final version is done, and as soon as that happens I will make it available to download from my (not so) new academic site.
I spent a lot of time in the development of this theme, I added a theme options menu to show or hide content, set customized logo or background, edit custom information for the footer and a lot more.
This is a beta, and it might have some errors here and there, please if you note something wrong, get back to me.
For those who don’t understand what I’m saying: It’s about technical stuff related to web development, another hobby of mine.
Please note that this beta does not currently support Internet Explorer 6 (nor 7 for that matter). Actually it’s more like IE does not support my theme (and Web Standards). So if this site looks all ugly to you, please upgrade or install a better browser! It’s really easy!
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