+ LozBlog

Showcase & Playground


Blogroll is a set of links that point out to other sites. It’s becoming a list of people I admire too. It’s organized into the following categories:

  • Buddies
  • Idols


I don’t recall any friend who currently owns a blog, they’ve all migrated to to social media nowadays. But ping me if you still do and I shall include it here!


This is not necessarily a Blogroll, but a list of people/artists I admire. Some of them have got websites, some don’t. Always updating it…

  • Music
    • Asis Nasseri
    • Bruce Dickinson
    • Metallica
    • Megadeth
    • Rammstein
    • Diablo Swing Orchesta
  • Literature
    • Tolkien
  • Movies
    • Guillermo del Toro
    • Wachowskis
  • Comedy
    • Jim Carrey
    • Andy Kaufman
    • Sasha Baron Cohen
    • Andrés Bustamante
  •  Tech
    • Tim Berners Lee
    • Bill Gates
    • Doge father Elon Musk
    • Steve Jobs
    • Steve Wozniak
    • Mark Zuckerberg
    • Sergey Brin
    • Larry Page
    • Matt Cuts
    • Matt Mullenweg
    • Richard Stallman
    • Chris Coyier – CSS Tricks
    • Jeffry Zeldman – ALA
    • Chris Klimas – Twine

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Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past, even the grimy parts of it, keep on getting brighter

—Sally Jupiter