I’m trying to write down the stuff I’d like to do before I die (stirb nicht vor mir). Probably a long term draft (not just goals). Some of the “categories” I’m thinking of:
- Overall
- Photography
- Travel
- Books to read
- Movies/series to watch
- Win 3 writing contest: poetry, short stories and novel
- Publish a book
- Win a literature novel price
- Produce/direct a movie
- Win a Movie Academy Award
- Write a hit single
- Perform it (hit single) live
- Sky dive
- Learn stock/forex day trading
- Attend a Wacken Open Air Festival
- Attend a 70,000 tons of metal trip
- Meet my art idols (music, literature, movies)
- Learn Deutsch
- Visit top horror legend sites/places (mx, the globe)
- Travel US Route 66
Authors to read
- US
- Alan Poe
- Dan Brown
- Stephen King
- Cristopher Manson (Maze)
- UK
- JR Tolkien
- Argentina
- Mariana Enríquez
- Julio Cortázar
Movies to watch
Gonna make a table out of the movies from the following:
- Guillermo del Toro
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Martin Scorcese
- Quentin Tarantino
- Lars Von Trier
- Stanley Kubrick
- Wes Anderson
- David Fincher
- Wachowskis
- Cristhopher Nolan
- Star Wars series
- Lord of the Rings series
- Prized Movies (US Academy, Cannes, etc.)
TV Series
Just a selection:
- Centaur World
- Gravity Falls
- Castlevania
- Final Space
- The Expanse
Places to go:
- Must go
- CA
- Vancouver to Toronto train (on prestige class)
- US
- Colorado’s Stanley Hotel (the Shining movie)
- Watch a Movie on “Hobbiton” (Lord of The Rings film set)
- Route 66
- Hornet Spook Light
- Sloppy Joe’s, on Key West, Florida, USA. Ernest Hemingway favorite.
- Europe
- Sean Bar, Ireland (oldest pub in Europe)
- Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France
- Northern lights
- North pole
- Greece’s white port
- Norway’s train: from Knivskjelodden to Lindesnes lighthouse
- Otto’s restaurant, London, UK
- Trans-siberian railway (across 8 time zones)
- Other
- South pole
- CA
- Hoteles
- Tapasoli (Xilita, San Luis Potosí, México)
Got inspired on this checklist.