Murderer (original sound)
The entry for the Flimmernacht 2008 contest, with the original contest sound...
Oh Flimmernacht disappointment
About the short film contest I entered, and failing to win the prizes, but achieved a lot of experience and learning...
One Day as a Lion
About a new band of an old metal head...
Respeto musical
About my musical preferences and respect to all kinds of music...
Maldita Vecindad
About me listening to an old Mexican rock band, and the cool feeling of abstract emotions briefly and randomly flooding my senses with memories of ethereal consistency.
I dreamt of returning home
A dream I had when I was back in the old country.
Paypal welcomes Mexican pesos
Paypal supporting Mexican fiat.
Flimmernacht: day 5, deadline
Final post on the Flimmernacht (crazy German Super 8 camera movie contest)...
Como niños chiquitos
About mexican politicians and their important debates...
Flimmernacht: day 4, shooting
Flimmernacht series: day four, almost there but not yet!
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