+ LozBlog

Showcase & Playground


Welcome to my personal Blog. I, Lozbo, am a Web Publisher (among other things) based in México. My interests: education, technology, multimedia and arts.


Want to reach out and touch face? Contact me through this form!

What about this site?

I started this Blog on 2006. I have moved the whole WordPress installation a few times from place to place (blog.lozbo.org, lzb.me, lozbo.info) due to several reasons, but mainly because I was searching for “the perfectdomain, which hopefully, I have found here (lozbo.info) (lozbo.com).

I have a few other abandoned blogs, where I (also) used to write stupid things. Additionally, I have several other active Blogs where I write about serious/tech topics (like TecnoBato, Lozbo.Net (merged into TecnoBato) or LozBlogger).

What I mainly write about here in this weBlog: adventures, insights, anecdotes, maybe some specific forms of art (such as heavy metal music in general, artists or songs reviews and thoughts, or some of my own artistic attempts)… to sum it up in two words: personal stuff. I post both in English and Spanish, because those are the languages I can communicate with. If I ever finish learning Deutsch, I will schreiben in it too.

I write mainly for my own amusement, so I don’t expect to have too many readers. Yet if I ever do, here’s a little disclaimer; be warned: you’ll find subjective nonsense and random craziness.

So… feel free to browse the archives (or categories, or even the sitemap), dislike its content, puke your insides out, abandon the site to never come back, and eventually, ignore the fact that you ever visited it.

The Tech stuff

WordPress is the system (CMS) that powers LozBlog. I (through AlterActivo Multimedia) designed this theme (nicknamed “Lzb Flt“) from scratch using Photoshop CS5.5. I used a couple of icons from Six Revisions/Freepik and made others myself in Illustrator. Then I coded the whole HTML/SASS CSS/WP PHP thing using Brackets, a code editor that hasn’t even made it to Beta yet, but I already use for production (update: Brackets has gone 1.0).

And almost forgot, I’m using the Vollkorn (for titles) and Lato (for body text) Google Fonts.

Unless otherwise indicated, all content is written and owned (©) by me.

What’s in a map

So you’ve come here wondering about the Gall-Peters projection, right? Well, as Wikipedia states:

The Gall–Peters projection is a rectangular map projection that maps all areas such that they have the correct sizes relative to each other. Like any equal-area projection, it achieves this goal by distorting most shapes.

Emphasis by me. What’s an “equal-area map“? Again, Wikipedia to the rescue:

In map projection, equal-area maps preserve area measure, generally distorting shapes in order to do that. 

It differs from the map you most probably know, the Mercator Projection, which is more generally used, because it, Gall-Peters’, basically tries to represent more accurately the size of countries. It’s easier to understand if you research the difference and see the actual maps next to each other.

…the Mercator projection inflates the size of objects away from the equator… As a result, landmasses such as Greenland and Antarctica appear far larger than they actually are relative to landmasses near the equator…”

Read the original publication by James Gall (1885).

What’s in a Logo

What’s that little plus sign (+) on the header title and on the footer you ask? I may talk about more broadly later on, but for now, I’ll just say it’s the pictogram that appoints Lozbo; in other words: my logo.

New! Lists!

Yesterday (2020-07-31) I added a new section on the blog called “lists“. I have actually been thinking about it for months, but even today I’m not sure what I will publish there, since they are not going to be “normal, dated posts” but “fixed pages”. Stuff like bucket lists, artists I like, places I’ve been too… maybe?

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Optimism, pessimism, fuck that; we’re going to make it happen. As God is my bloody witness, I’m hell-bent on making it work.

—Elon Musk