Am I dreaming?
On a quest for lucid dreaming.
Death is in the air
Violence reaching out for us. México: éste es mi país, ésta es mi gente.
Tons of updates
Personal Internet domains and techie stuff. Upcoming photoblog teasing...
Worst city in Mx.
Remote blogging
Posting from android. Interesting and… functional? I am a fan of styling my post and looking after tiny details so posting from a phone may not be good enough for my obsession over details. Time will tell.
New Home
New home at lzb.me, hopefully it stays here for good. Update: not anymore.
Androide y smart phones – parte 1
Rants about my next smart phone (Android), and the alternatives I considered before.
Arreglar personas
Professions, there are some who fix people.
Televisión y noticias
De lo que vivimos en Mx, la telenovela y la super selección de futbol.
Costo de vida en Saltiyork
Una ciudad olvidada de dios, o de los dioses del progreso al menos.
Missing GDL
Melancholic afar.
Capitalism at its best, trying to rip us all off... and succeeding at it.
Pueblos Mágicos
Belleza natural en México. Ciudades que ostentan el título de un programa turístico federal.
Verano mexicano
Sobre mi vida actual y reflexiones de la inseguridad tapatía.
Caminito a Saltiyork
Of my ride through the desert, towards northern states.
Happy away
Comparing experiences in my journeys away from home town.
Of sudden death
A friend's loss, some thoughts.
Crazy Partying at home
Friday gone a bit wild at our sinister quarters.
Dejando casa… de nuevo
On leaving GDL again, alone but unafraid.
Noche de Viernes en el Jalisco
La cultura en el estadio.
Saltillo 2
Interview in Saltillo.
Job Offer in Saltillo.
Mi primer partido Negro
Mi regreso al Jalisco. Qué buen fucho.
Foto diaria
Daily self picture project.
Noche de Poker
Noche de poker con el George.
Gods smile
Almost done.
Letter from Google
Mysterious letter from Google.
Pending Future
Waiting for an answer.
Old Posts
Old posts gone to a new domain.
Return of the Vampire
Strike end; old blog moving.
Not enough content to show pagination.