About WP security keys
Rant on WP security keys, why isn't it done automatically?
A spam message I got from an apparent "legit" source. And with legit I mean that its not virus, malware, university diplomas, or viagra.
About WordPress, the blog based CMS.
About Twitter
Rants on twitter.
Useless/stupid rant about updating software.
Just let me play!
It's impossible to play games nowadays, maybe that's why they download them illegally?
Tons of updates
Personal Internet domains and techie stuff. Upcoming photoblog teasing...
Remote blogging
Posting from android. Interesting and… functional? I am a fan of styling my post and looking after tiny details so posting from a phone may not be good enough for my obsession over details. Time will tell.
New Home
New home at lzb.me, hopefully it stays here for good. Update: not anymore.
Androide y smart phones – parte 1
Rants about my next smart phone (Android), and the alternatives I considered before.
Letter from Google
Mysterious letter from Google.
Old Posts
Old posts gone to a new domain.
Return of the Vampire
Strike end; old blog moving.
My first WordPress theme! Made (almost) all by myself, from the graphic design to advanced manipulation of WP template tags, loops and other stuff.
Paypal welcomes Mexican pesos
Paypal supporting Mexican fiat.
My tech working requirements (Abducted by technology pt. I)
Overloaded by technology, rants about implications of living in the digital era, for me. Part I.
Some upgrading at least
Getting a new design done, and XHTML'ized. Not finished yet, but it's looking good.
I read about an initiative to remove "www" from urls. That's what no-www.org is about. And there's the usual none sense and stuff going on this post, maybe more than normal... but 'ok' if you realize it's almost 3 in the freakin' morning!
Star Craft 2
Star Craft 2 coming soon!
My Exec home!
My long awaited Exec is back, repaired and everything...!
Teaching Standards
Random thoughts on a Web standards workshop I taught.
Save the world: Blackle
Random page, Google in Black (a project from 2007?).
About my lack of posting for some time here in LozBlog.
Test, posting from Google Docs
About Google Docs, a free, online Office suite from Google.